The Vital Corporation
October 22nd, 2024     

The Engagement Process — A Dynamic Overview

The four skill sets delivered by the courses outlined above are the foundation for applying our proven training-plus-team-development Engagement strategy for a fully engaged, contributing workforce.

Striving to be competitive today means constant change for organizations and for how employees carry out their responsibilities. From experience we know that exhorting employees to implement change gains early compliance.

At the same time, mistrust or fear may lead many employees to spend their (your) time and energy on worrying about, avoiding or actively resisting change. This atmosphere carries over to those employees who may be willing to buy in. Now your change initiative loses momentum and stalls or takes a painfully long time to realize, impacting your organization's success.

Your employees may possess the technical skills to implement the changes planned. The critical additive your organization needs to fuel change is your employees' engagement and staying power in applying those skills. Engagement Process is our strategic organizational development resource ... proven to develop the key personal plus team problem solving motivations and skills to ensure the goals of your planned changes are actually fulfilled.

The Engagement Process creates the necessary skills and motivations and, then, integrates them with your corporate change targets, at these four levels ...

Staff level – Stress-proofed staff keep their fires lit for contributing more consistently … their performance now being driven by their own personal “work satisfiers” and by their focus on applying the valued strengths they each bring to their work and their team.

Managerial level – Managers are now able (1) to confidently and credibly communicate new challenges and targets, and (2) to fully engage employees … drawing on untapped reservoirs of energy and commitment amongst employees to sustain on-going effort.

Team level – Led by their managers, work teams (1) quickly get past the start-up speed bumps of changes in their work, and then (2) take active, shared responsibility for debugging the new work processes and for making them successful.

In the boardroom – Top management is prepared and motivated to work within a frankly developed understanding of the stumbling blocks and, then, the strategic steps required to protect and count on a fully engaged workforce.

We invite you to take two steps ...

First ... evaluate each of these four courses as a flexible, scalable menu of empowering resources for your company’s change initiatives; and then

Second ... consider how you could put the Corporate Vital Signs profile and our training expertise to work for your company … critical first steps to ensure that staff have the resilience, motivation and engagement to move your change initiatives from hopeful plans to solid results.

And, of course, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you our 25 years’ experience in putting these insights and resources to work with leading companies internationally.

Contact Richard Earle, Ph.D. or (416) 237-1828

"Making change Successful" ... the course modules
  1. Mastering Stress, Change and Uncertainty
  2. Creating the Win’s of Change
  3. Working Win-Win
  4. Engagement
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